Products Description
Dan Garrett – Closeup Connivery – Vol 2
5 Pin-Demonium (Dan Garrett): Linking/Unlinking Safety Pin routine. Based on Un-Safety Pins by Han van Senus as printed in Apocalypse vol 5, No 2 (Feb 1982). 7 Four Card Reiteration (David Williamson, Dan Garrett): Four cards are shown, one is thrown away, but four cards remain in this comedy routine. Uses Elmsley count, Ascanio Spread.
10 Hand Sandwich (Dan Garrett): A card is rubbed through the back of a spectator’s hand and ends up between their palms (Rub-A-Dub-Dub Vanish, Daryl’s Convincing Tilt). Also describes a Bent Card Ending for Ambitious Card routine
12 Rackjobber (Phil Goldstein): a Queen of Hearts is stretched and recovers
13 Thinkerprint (Michael Weber): the Magician’s fingerprint includes a duplicate of a selected geometric symbol
15 The Lateral Palm (J. Steranko): as found in Steranko On Cards, published by Ireland Magic
16 Flabbergasting Signed Card to Pocket (Dan Garret): A signed card to pocket routine using the Lateral Palm (need to wear a jacket)
17 O.H.S. Card Change! (Dan Garrett): One Hand Spin Card Change, technically difficult.
18 The Fickle Fingers of Fong-Chur (Charles J. Pecor): Prediction is stored in a metal cigar tube and one of Five ESP cards is selected (face down). The card selected matches the prediction.
20 About the Author