Bruce Bernstein - Taboo

Bruce Bernstein - Taboo



Products Description

Bruce Bernstein – Taboo

TABOO is the first offering in a series of restricted releases aimed at the “inner-school” of Psychic Entertainers. These manuscripts will only be available directly through me and will not be wholesaled to dealers. My plan is to release materials over time that I’ve been holding back, or that have been created recently that meet only the highest standards of which I am capable.

I’m proud to start these offerings with the release of TABOO, since I feel it represents some of my finest thinking and blazes new ground in Psychic Entertainment. The concepts explained in this book will show you ways to reveal audience members’ deepest, darkest secrets, in an amazingly entertaining manner.

Here’s what I wrote in the introduction – “TABOO is a unique melding of concepts I’ve been working on for nearly a decade and is perhaps the most advanced routine of Psychic Entertainment I’ve ever created.

It would be wrong to just call TABOO an effect, it’s so much more than that. Let me also state as clearly as I can, that TABOO is only suitable for the boldest and most charismatic of performers. This is not something to be done casually for some friends or as a demonstration of mental magic.

But that said, even if you never perform the effect, I believe that you’ll find there is much to be gleaned from my thinking about this presentation from the “cutting edge.”Another point I should make clear at the start is that TABOO must be personalized and custom tailored to the particular performer who is brave and talented enough to tackle this presentation. To expect a “one size fits all