The Social Prediction by Debjit Magic (Video Download)

The Social Prediction by Debjit Magic (Video Download)



Products Description

Debjit Magic - The Social Prediction

The Social Prediction has fooled the best minds in mentalism and now Debjit has finally decided to share it with the mentalism and magic community.

The Social Prediction covers two revolutionary new and impromptu techniques to predict ANYTHING days in advance!

Imagine asking anyone to think of ANYTHING and then they open your Facebook Page from THEIR phone, and sees that you had predicted it already WEEKS ago!

It can also be performed over phone calls, messages, Skype, radio, etc. It can even be used for a Newspaper Headline prediction. And it’s the best way to promote your Facebook page!

  • Perform impromptu anytime, anywhere

  • Spectator can check prediction from any smartphone (Android, iPhone), computer or tablet

  • No gimmicks, voice recognition device, special software or apps

  • No sleights, fishing, forcing or dual reality

You only need a smartphone (Android, iPhone), computer or tablet with an internet connection to perform.

You will receive a 25 minute video download with multiple performances and clear step-by-step instructions. The download covers 3 Versions, a Bonus Variation and many presentation ideas.

Once you learn The Social Prediction, you'll be performing it for the rest of your life. And because it's so easy and impromptu, you'll be turning to it anytime you need a knock-out mentalism effect.

Get The Social Prediction Today.

“I LOVE effects that are impromptu in the real world. Social Prediction is the PERFECT MODERN MIND BLOWER! I PREDICT you will love it.”
- Rich Ferguson

“Finally Facebook is not a waste of time! What you’re getting is a tool. An awesome tool that will allow you to perform an effect that is not only AMAZING, but will get you booked and direct people to your social media.”
- Jon Armstrong

“Predict anything AND promote your personal page? I'm definitely interested.”
- Shaun Dunn

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