Products Description
Hugard's Magic Monthly (01-21)
Hugard's Magic Monthly: Unquestionably one of the finest monthly magazines from a very creative Magic era, hard bound into 7 unique volumes comprising the entire publication series. Tricks explained from some of the greatest minds in Magic; from close-up to illusions, card Magic to Mentalism. This has something for everyone, plus some great insights into the minds of many creative thinkers.
Hugard's Magic Monthly consists of almost 2500 pages in 21 volumes and is packed with contributions from the finest artists and thinkers Magic has to offer. People like Victor Farelli, Ted Annemann, Martin Gardner, Harry Lorayne,Milbourne Christopher, Ross Bertram, George Kaplan, Cliff Green, Fred Braue and Hugard himself. The subtitle says it all 'Devoted solely to the interests of Magic and magicians'. Hard Bound-7 Vol. set comprising the entire 21 Vols. of Hugard's Magic Monthly. Customers who bought this product also purchased...