Random Walk - Tom Stone (PDF ebook Download)

Random Walk - Tom Stone (PDF ebook Download)



Products Description

Random Walk

Magic download (ebook) by Tom Stone ($16.80)

Random Walk - magic

This is a lovely collection of ideas and practical material. “Nullified” is perhaps the most practical effect: it’s a version of Paul Harris’ “Reset” done onstage with a wine glass. There’s a hilarious gag in which you make it appear as if a dozen snipers are pointing their scopes at your chest. And, “White Lies” is a killer card item with a blank deck.


  • Momentum Color Change – A card move contributed by Tim Star.
  • Voice of the Public – A sight gag.
  • Maven-Daryl Combo – Notes on how to merge two card tricks.
  • A Prediction Ajar – A card trick in the Open Prediction genre.
  • White Lies – A card trick with a blank deck.
  • Nullified – A stand-up version of Re-Set.
  • SnapSnap – A vanish of a card.
  • The Forbidden Palm – A version of Open Travelers.
  • Compass Deck Switch – A deck switch.
  • …Plus a few unfinished ideas.