The Perfect Shuffle by Biz (MP4 Video Download 1080p FullHD Quality)

The Perfect Shuffle by Biz (MP4 Video Download 1080p FullHD Quality)



Products Description

Biz - Perfect Shuffle

A BBM Exclusive Download Video – This utility move is a full deck, multiphase, super convincing FALSE SHUFFLE. Despite a massive amount of mixing and cutting, not a single card moves. It’s easy to do. It’s modular (do a quick mix or a super involved ‘messing up’ of the cards). You can do it in the hands or on the table. You can even use it to displace one or more cards from the top to the bottom!

Master it in minutes * Very natural looking * Super deceptive

The exclusive download runs for over 30mins and features:

Basic Technique
The Subtleties
Advanced Subtleties
Displacing One Card
Displacing Multiple Cards