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LOTTO PREDICTION - Jean-Pierre Vallarino
Chance is a concept whereby it is impossible to predict anything with absolute certainly. Well, thanks to this new creation created in collaboration by Jean-Pierre VALLARINO and Olivier DEQUIN, you will become the master of the game.
Or should I say "games!"
You'll be able to predict the results of Lotto, for example, but also Quinté, Tiercé, or bet on a poker hand that you will win... The only limit will be your imagination.
This ingenious gimmick does the work for you!
The effect:
You show your wallet. Nothing special to see except for a Lotto ticket (for example) slipped inside and visible to all.
Now take a series of cards numbered 1-49 (REALLY! All numbers are represented and there are no duplicates).
You hand them to a spectator to freely mix: no constraints. They really mix the cards in any way and place them face down on the table.
YOU DON'T TOUCH THE GAME! Just take the Lotto Grid (for example) out of your wallet and give it to the spectator.
Ask them to take the first 6 cards from the pack that they mixed and are holding THEMSELVES.
Ask them to now read the 6 numbers checked on the Lotto grid and to say the numbers found on the 6 cards they have just put on the table -- the numbers MATCH EXACTLY!
The game and the wallet do not leave the table
There is no switch
The miracle happens IN THE SPECTATOR'S OWN HANDS
They mix the cards of the game themselves and remove the 6 cards
The gimmick does the work for you
You will be able to perform this trick soon after you receive it
You can choose to adapt this trick to any other game of chance
Perform sitting or standing
The reset is easy and fast
The numbers you predict can be different each time
You receive all the materials: cards, wallet, and video download
Seeing all of the numbers match is an amazing moment for your audience!