3 Ball Juggling by Ken Benge (PDF eBook Download)

3 Ball Juggling by Ken Benge (PDF eBook Download)

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Products Description

3 Ball Juggling - (Ken Benge)


If you’re looking to learn how to juggle with three balls you’ll find some great information here!

Ken Benge teaches you just about all the tricks there are to know about juggling with three balls!

This book was written with a sincere desire by the author to further the art of juggling.

This was not written as a panacea to quick easy juggling. Only practice and time can turn you into an accomplished juggler.

This was written to give the up and coming jugglers a factual book on juggling tricks with three balls.

You’ll Learn:

Under Your Right Leg

Two Balls in One Hand

Over Your Head With Half Turn

The Shower

Overhand Juggling

Three Bounce Start

Neck and Shoulder Catch

Head Bounce

Double Ball Bounce

Stuck Behind Your Back

Plus lots more!